Schlagwort-Archive: EUSJA GA 2014
29.3.2014: New EUSJA president elected
Final act of EUSJA’s 2014 general assembly in Vienna was the election of Satu Lipponen from the Finnish Association of Science Editors and Journalists (FASEJ) to its new President. Satu succeeds Barbie Drillsma who served for two two-year terms since 2010. … Weiterlesen
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28.3.2014: EUSJA on top
Climax of EUSJA’s study trip was the reception at Vienna’s Natural History Museum upon invitation by Reinhold Mitterlehner, Federal Minister for Science, Research and Economy. The delegates were welcomed by director Christian Köberl to the dinner under the impressive dinosaurs … Weiterlesen
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Verschlagwortet mit EUSJA GA 2014
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28.3.2014: Study trip Vienna
The second day of study trips took the delegates of the EUSJA GA 2014 to hotspots of science and research in Vienna. First point of call was the Uni Campus Wien, the former general hospital which had been converted in … Weiterlesen
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Verschlagwortet mit EUSJA GA 2014
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27.3.2014: Study trip Lower Austria
Day one of the study trips organised for the EUSJA delegates of the general assembly 2014: the first part of the trip took the delegates to the Institute of Science and Technology Austria (IST Austria) in Klosterneuburg where the professors … Weiterlesen
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26.3.2014: Welcome reception of the EUSJA GA 2014
A selection of images taken at the welcome reception of EUSJA’s general assembly 2014 taking place in Vienna this weekend upon invitation of the Austrian Association of Education and Science Journalists at the „Kleine Dachboden“ of the 25hours hotel (© … Weiterlesen
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Verschlagwortet mit EUSJA GA 2014
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