Reisestipendium zur ECSJ2017 in Kopenhagen

Conference Program

The European Conference of Science Journalists 2017 (ECSJ2017) offers a global perspective on how science is communicated by the media. Innovation in journalism, post truth – alternative facts, social media, responsible communication, and climate change will be major themes of the conference. The conference program presents leading representatives from small and large media outlets from Europe, USA and Asia, including has a former EU-Commissioner for Climate, Nobel Laureates, and leading science advisors from European research policy. These are unique conditions for dialogue and discussion between the press and the key media stakeholders.

The conference will offer a separate track of press briefings on the newest and most exciting research with participation of all the major European research institutions and a separate track of training in new media technique, such as how to make a primetime television programme with your smartphone or how to make your own radio podcast channel. The conference ECSJ2017: “Bringing ideas forward,” will be the primary gathering for European science journalists and communicators from June 26-30, 2017.

Study tours

During the conference, you can attend several study tours. Every afternoon, throughout the week, one or several buses will depart from the parking lot outside the IT University. Almost all study tours are repeated on Friday, June 30, for those participants who want to attend the entire conference. The study tours will visit research institutions and companies that use research as their main tool in developing their portfolio. The purpose of the trips is to inspire participants, showcase Danish and Swedish research, an excellent opportunity to network.

For example, the Niels Bohr Institute – the University of Copenhagen’s famous physics department – will open its doors twice. On the first visit (Thursday, June 29), guests will learn about the Institute and its present research. The visit Friday June 30 will be focusing on modern use of experiments in the communication of science.

During the following weeks, we will use Twitter and Facebook to generate interest in the study tours. Please retweet or share. An updated list can be found on the conference web site:

Travel grants

Funds are available to support eligible participants to attend the ECSJ2017 conference. Thanks to our generous sponsors we offer travel grants of up to 600€ to help cover travel and accommodation costs. You can also request a registration fee waiver. Have a look at the conference website

The application deadline for travel grants March 31, 2017.

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