Summer school in science communication / Cleve (DE) / July 13-22

Geschätzte KollegInnen!

Hier ein Hinweis auf eine interessant klingende, neue Form des Wissenschaftskommunikationstrainings.

For an overview see

STEAM is a 10-day intensive summer school in science communication, hosted by Rhine-Waal University in Cleves (in the northwest of Germany close to the Dutch border) from July 13 to 22. We introduce an innovative form of education that includes Arts into the classical STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics). Interactive experiments and informal learning with the use of creativity and arts are the key ingredients of our approach. Our ultimate goals are to improve science awareness and develop informed opinions, increase student uptake of STEM careers for high-level jobs, stimulate the socio-economic wellbeing of partner countries, and enhance the transferable skills of current researchers.

Grants are available:; a therefore required affiliation can be provided.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Oliver Lehmann

Vorsitzender des Klubs der Bildungs- und WissenschaftsjournalistInnen
Vorstandsmitglied des Europäischen Dachverbands der WissenschaftsjournalistInnen (EUSJA)
Presseclub Concordia • Bankgasse 8 • 1010 Wien


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