Come to Norway for a renewable energy workshop for science journalists in June, travel stipends available

Greetings, all!

The Paris climate talks are old news by now, but as a science journalist you know there are lots of follow-up stories to be written.  Come to Trondheim, Norway in mid June to learn about what it will take to make the shift to green energy from Norway’s leading experts at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology and SINTEF, Scandinavia’s largest independent research organisation.

We know we’re far away, so we have arranged for travel stipends for up to 20 journalists who would like to participate in the workshop, which will take place on the evening of 16 June and all day Friday, 17 June. You can read more about what we have arranged at our website: On Beyond Oil or you can go right to the application form.

We also encourage you to spread the word; I’ve attached a brochure that describes the workshop in a little more detail.

Feel free to contact me, and hope to see you all in Trondheim in June!


Nancy Bazilchuk

On Beyond Oil


Nancy Bazilchuk
Journalist and English editor,
Norwegian University of Science and Technology Communication Division
7491 Trondheim
tel: +47 73596040
mob:+47 91897321


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