Science Visit to Estonia for International Journalists

The Estonian Research Council in cooperation with Estonian Public Broadcasting is inviting fifteen international journalists to Science visit “Health Technologies 2.0” to explore Estonian health technology research, from 25–27 May 2016.

Estonian researchers are key players in solving problems like infertility, aging population and the lack of quality food. They also deal with challenges like cattle health and breeding efficiency, personalized usage of genetic information, ownership and security of health data. With ever growing global emphasis on prevention of medical problems and development of non-invasive health technologies, it’s easy to see that Estonian health and ICT researchers have their hands full.

On the three days of the trip, journalists will meet with outstanding medical and ICT researchers in Estonian universities and will visit places like Estonian Genome Center and Research Centre of Organic Farming. In addition, the journalists will have a chance to interview researchers on site and meet with Estonian journalists to swap ideas.

Are you interested in taking part of a journey to the land of bright ideas and research innovations?

You can find all the practical information from “Research in Estonia” webpage and apply online!

Have a look:

Application deadline is 6th of March 2016.

For any inquiries please contact:

Liis Livin

Research in Estonia turundusjuht

Teaduse populariseerimise osakond

SA Eesti Teadusagentuur

Tel: 731 7368

Mob: 555 27 605

Kind regards,

Liisbet Erepuu

Estonian Embassy in Vienna
+43 1 503 7761  | | Wohllebengasse 9/12, 1040 Vienna, Austria

Health technologies 2.0_Highlights

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