Falling Walls Conference Berlin, November 8-9, 10 slots. Deadline October 1

I am happy to inform that we have got 10 invitations to attend the Falling Walls Conference at November 9, also Falling Walls Lab and Falling Walls Venture at 8-th of November.. EUSJA journalists will be offered one night accomodation covered by the organizers (night from 8 to 9 of November). We agreed also that those who do not need the accomodation will get free access to these events (like we did last year giving the additional slots to our colleagues from Berlin). You may see more about the events and the timetable visiting the page www.falling-walls.com

Please circulate this call among your members and send the application to violae@mail.ru by October 1: name, media affiliation, e-mail, mobile, date of birth


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