27.3.2014: Study trip Lower Austria

Day one of the study trips organised for the EUSJA delegates of the general assembly 2014: the first part of the trip took the delegates to the Institute of Science and Technology Austria (IST Austria) in Klosterneuburg where the professors Heisenberg, Guet, Novarino and Hippenemeyer presented their labs. The visit was concluded by a discussion of the delegates with professors, postdocs and graduate students. Second stop was the Department of Agrobiotechnology  in Tulln. There, Prof. Walter Wenzel introduced the activities in the field of agriculture and biotechnology to the visitors. The last official visit of the day was payed to the Danube University in Krems. Christoph Kainz, member of the parliamentary assembly of the province of Lower Austria, welcomed the delegates on behalf of the governeur of Lower Austria, Erwin Pröll. The president of the Danube University Krems, Friedrich Faulhammer, gave an overview of the R&D activities in Lower Austria and explained the development and the goals of the Danube University. Final destination was the winery Nastl in Langenlois where the delegates – upon invitation of Governeur Pröll – commited their attention to the augmentation of their newly acquired knowledge on vidiculture…

© Klub der Bildungs- und Wissenschaftsjournalisten / IST Austria. Free usage in the context of the EUSJA GA 2014

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