Workshop of Cognitive Systems conference in Bochum, March 19-20

EUSJA has got an invitation for 3 science journalists to attend the workshop of Cognitive Systems conference in Bochum 19-20 March 2014.

The scholarships cover the travelling, accommodation and per diem on a reimbursement basis.

Please note: this is not EUSJA study trip! We are forwarding the invitation so that you could ask your members if they are interested to attend the event. If so, they have to send their application directly to organizers by February 28. Contact person for the applications: Sebastian Grinschpun (

Here is some more info about the workshop:

„EUCog ( is the European Network for the Advancement of Artificial Cognitive Systems, Interaction and Robotics.  It is funded by the Information and Communication Technologies division of the European Commission, Robotics unit, under the 7th Research Framework Programme. (“

This workshop on „Embodied communication“ will bring together researchers from different disciplines: from developmental scientists trying to uncover how children acquire their communication skills to artificial cognition researchers looking for ways to develop machines that really mean what they say. We believe it is an excellent opportunity to find new stories to tell, not only about cognitive robots, but also about human nature.

See programme ( for detailed description, keynote speakers and attending researchers. During 2 days, the best researchers in the world will meet in Bochum to talk about the importance of natural and artificial embodiment, the realization that language and cognition is strongly dependent on our body and the environment through our movements and senses.

The organizers will cover the trip, accommodation and per diem for the selected journalists on a reimbursement basis (see reimbursement rules:”

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