19. – 21. 3. 2014: Studienfahrt in die Schweiz

INVITATION: Science&Technology Study trip to Switzerland
March 19-21, 2014

–> Do you want to attend exclusively to a security and technology field test inside the new Gothard tunnel, a 57 km underground track dug under the Alps that will entirely revolutionise the transport network throughout Europe?

–> Do you want to discover how the animations in the Disney 2D and 3D movies are produced using the latest techniques in modelling informatics, this at the Disney Research Center at the ETHZurich, the only Disney Researche center outside the US?

–> Do you want to learn out to grow and incube organs or blood vessels?

–> Do you want to talk to one of the most efficient supercomputers in Europe?

Then, apply for one of the 35 slots of this study trip, which the Swiss Association of Science Journalists has organised for european active science journalists.

All details included in the program description and application form joined in this email.

Pratical details: participants must arrive in Zurich airport no later than 5pm on March 19th. Nights on March 19th, and 20th in Zurich will be paid for by the organisers. The official program officially ends up in Lugano on March 21th in the evening. The following night until March 22nd is also paid for by the organisers. Trains leave Lugano on March 22nd between 7 and 9am, allowing participants to be between 10:15am and 12:30 in Zurich Airport, from where they can take their flight back. Details can be arranged later on.

Deadline for applications: 31 January 2014.

Best regards,
Christian Bernhart, delegate for the organisation, and Olivier Dessibourg, president of the Swiss Association of Science Journalism


Chef de rubrique
Sciences & Environnement
Place de Cornavin 3
Case postale 2570
CH-1211 Genève 2
Tél. +41 22 888 59 72  direct
Tél. +41 22 888 58 58 standard
Fax +41 22 888 57 90
e-mail  olivier.dessibourg@letemps.ch
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