Pressereisen nach Gastein und Florenz

1. EUSJA was invited to attend the European Health Forum in Bad Gastein (October 2 – 4) where science journalists could take part in a discussion about the health policy in Europe. The motto of this year meeting is “Creating a better future for health in Europe”. We have 10 invitations. You may see the first announcement of the program to

2. We have 10 invitations also for the 8-th biennial congress “Pain in Europe VIII” to be held in Florence, October 9-12. The congress will bring together over 4000 pain specialists for a multidisciplinary forum that will focus on the latest developments in the study and treatment of acute or chronic and recurrent pain. The program promises to provide new insights into basic science and clinical research. Preliminary scientific information could be found to

The organizers pay for the accomodation, meal and cover the conference fees, the journalists have to take care of their travelling.

The deadline for the applications to both trips is July 14.

Please inform your members and send their applications via national associations (

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