Freie Plätze für Nobelpreisträger-Seminar in Lindau

Dear friends!

I am happy to inform you that we have a new agreement with Lindau Meetings Council for 2013. This year the meeting is developed to chemistry. Over 35 Nobel Prize Winners, about 600 young scientists will meet this July to discuss some promissing scientific ideas. Please see a short description in the attachment and visit

EUSJA journalists will attend the meeting, watch the lectures and discussions, get a fine possibility for interviews. We have 8 invitations for our members. Lindau will cover 4 night accomodation, the journalists have to pay for their travelling. Please inform your members and note that the applications must be sent only via national associations  ( – like we always do: name, media affiliation, e-mail, mobile.

The deadline for the applications is March 28. After the deadline the list of the participants will be created, the acceptance letters will be sent out by mid April.

Viola Egikova, EUSJA

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