Fellowships for Erice International School of Science Journalism

The Erice International School of Science Journalism grants 30 fellowships for the Summer Program 2013, which takes place from May 26 to 28, 2013. The theme of this year is: ‘Cognitive Neuroscience: the frontier of knowing ourselves’. Fellowships are aimed at science journalists, science communicators and master students in science journalism and communication. Eligible are candidates from EU countries.

Topic: Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (FMRI), developed about 20 years ago, has generated a dramatic advancement in the investigation of the human brain function. Its use has progressively been combined with other techniques, like MRI high resolution Morphometry, Diffusion Tensor Imaging, and Positron Emission Tomography, providing a multi-parametric approach to understand the function of the brain.

Program: During the three days course these achievements and the prospects of advancing the knowledge of the functions and dysfunctions of human brain will be presented, as a basis for discussion. Scientific experts will present the state-of-the-art in the fields of Cognitive Neuroscience, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, and other frontier topics, while science journalists will work out the challenges from their perspective.

The School: Students are introduced to today’s challenges in science journalism by international experts; challenges which are brought forward by current developments in science, communication and the media. The program consists of lectures, interactive working sessions and discussions. The close interaction with enthusiastic scientists, journalists and communicators, will encourage the students to develop new communication strategies and tools.

Enjoy Sicily: The International School for Scientific Journalism and Communication is a meeting place for scientists, journalists and communicators to address the current challenges of science communication together, in an informal setting. It is located in a beautiful medieval town on top of a mountain facing the sea. This offers the possibility to enjoy panoramic views of the island and an introduction to its culture and delicious food and drinks.

The registration fee is 500,00 (VAT included) and covers accommodation, lunches and coffee breaks, transfers to and from the airports of Palermo and Trapani, school material and certificate of attendance.

Fellowships: Eligibility is limited to candidates from EU countries. The selection requires:

  • – At least three years of professional experience as a science journalist working for general or popular science media;
  • – Or: at least three years of professional experience as a science communicator working in a scientific organization, science museum or science centre or as a free lancer in a position of press officer, curator, editor of (web)publications, organizer of outreach activities or similar;
  • – Or: being a student in a master program in science communication or science journalism.

Candidates should send their CV and a motivation letter in which they shortly describe:

  • 1. their plans for their professional future
  • 2. why they think participating in the summer school would benefit their career
  • 3. how they perceive the challenge of communicating on neuroscience, notably by magnetic resonance imaging – which is the theme of the summer school this year – in general and in their current or future position.

Fellowships will cover:

  • – the fee of the School
  • – travel expenses to and from Erice
  • – staying in Erice

Applications should reach the school before March 1, 2013: CV (max. 1 page) and motivation letter (max. 1 page) by sending an e-mail to Rita Bertelli: EISSJC@LNF.INFN.IT

Website: http://ericescijc.wordpress.com/

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/ISSJC



With kind regards,


Fred Balvert

Science Communicator / Editor-In-Chief Erasmus MC Media

Erasmus MC, Communications Dept. Room GK955, P.O. Box 2040, 3000 CA Rotterdam

Phone: +31 10 704 4020, Mob: +31 10 6 4143 1721

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