Invitation to the 2nd European Energy Conference‏

Dear Journalist,

On behalf of the European Science Foundation (ESF), we would like to invite you to the 2nd European Energy Conference being held in Maastricht, Netherlands, on 17-20 April 2012, under the patronage of Günther Oettinger, EU Commissioner for Energy.  The ESF is one of three co-organising bodies.

Free press registrations are available.  Please contact me to register.

At this conference, scientists, practitioners and policymakers will:

·      discuss prospects for the future of energy supply in Europe,

·      explore the key role energy science and research play in developing and ensuring energy sustainability.

There will be a special focus on the complementarities and potential of nuclear and renewable energies.

The full programme is available at

You can find out more about the conference on its website and social media sites:


Please let me know as soon as possible if you would like to attend.

Kind regards,


Ana Isabel Catarino

Sustainability Consult

Tel: +32 (0)2 347 11 01

Skype: anasustconsult

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