Liebe Klubmitglieder!
Anbei die erste Einladung der EUSJA nach Saarbrücken.
Mit besten Grüßen
Elisabeth J. Nöstlinger
Here is our first invitation for the study trip in 2012. This is a trip organized by Saarbrueken University in Germany with the topic: „How Computer Science and Materials Science are improving the world”.
The department of Materials Science and Engineering of Saarland University has close connections to the Material Engineering Center Saarland, a Steinbeis Research Center, the Fraunhofer Institute for Non-Destructive Testing, the Leibniz Institute for New Materials and some other reasearch centers, thus the journalists will get the information also from these institues. Please find enclosed the invitation from the University and a preliminary programme.
The logistics and some other nessasary information will be sent later. But I can say now that we discussed the possibility for earlier check in (the day before the trip) and later check out – if nessasary according the flight shedules. The closer international airport is Francfurt, the train from Frankfurt to Saarbrueken takes about 2,5 hours.
The organizer will cover the accomodation and meal, the journalists have to take care of their travelling usual EUSJA rules. The trip is from 28 to 30 of March, we have invitation for 15 journalists. Please note: if the group will be less than 8 journalists, the trip will be postponed. That is why we ask you to send your applications by January 30: we need to know that we have a group.
We ask to send applications via national associations to Viola Egikova (
affiliation with media,
tel number, cell tel. number
With kind regards,
Viola Egikova.
EUSJA trip to Saarbruecken_2012 – invitation from the UniversityEUSJA trip to Saarbruecken_2012 – invitation from the University